Children from the age group of 3-10 are most active as this is the time when kids learn to walk, run and try to explore whatever comes in their way. When a child is injured or suffers displacement of tooth from its socket in alveolar bone, parents or guardians must know what to do, not only to save permanent teeth but also to avoid the kids from getting traumatized by the situation, as there is risk of damaging the permanent teeth, which needs replantation immediately in cases.
The most common injuries in primary teeth includes luxation, intrusion and subluxation. Crown fracture is usually the main injury in permanent teeth.
Avulsion of baby teeth and permanent teeth is treated differently. Front primary teeth are expected to come out around the age of 6 or 7 to give way to permanent ones but they require care and cannot be left casually.
It is not advised to reimplant avulsed or knocked baby tooth because it can affect the natural growth of the permanent teeth and the surrounding tissues. Ankylosis may also occur if you try to reimplant the baby teeth.
In case when primary teeth are avulsed, first step is full assessment of the child by a pediatric dentist so the effect of the accident can be diagnosed properly. Is it also possible that the injury have affected other teeth, gums or bone. Medication is required if the child is experiencing pain. The “temporary pediatric denture” is not clinically necessary; some parents chose to have one made in order to prevent any possible social implications of the injury.
On the other hand, Avulsion of permanent teeth is a serious dental emergency and needs serious attention. Reimplantation is an immediate concern. If such case occurs, visit the dentist as early as possible, if visit is not possible then connect to your dentist on call and receive instructions for immediate first aid.
The foremost thing is to calm the injured child, then look for the tooth and try to pick it up by the crown, while picking up you need to be cautious that you do not touch the root. If you feel that the tooth and root are dirty, wash them under cold running water for 10 seconds and cover it with clean handkerchief and place the tooth in a glass of saline solution or a glass of milk and keep it mind that you do not store the tooth in water.
After securing the permanent tooth, visit to dentist is must. The dentist will then diagnose the injury and reimplant the tooth immediately. Depending on the case, the tooth will be secured by a “splint” or temporary braces and the patient will be instructed to avoid participating in contact sports, go on a soft diet for at least two weeks, use a soft toothbrush after every meal and rinse the mouth with chlorhexidine twice a day for one week. The patient is also required for follow-up visits for treatment depending on the diagnosis by the dentist.
The article is provided by Floss Dental- rated as Best Dental Care Clinic in Noida.
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